Tourism Day Recap & Album

Tourism Day Recap & Album

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On March 10, 2023, we attended the annual event at the Capitol in Honolulu, Hawaii. The exhibit was put on by Hawaiʻi Lodging & Tourism Association, Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority, Hawaiʻi Visitors & Convention Bureau, Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, & the Native Hawaiian Hopitality Association. As noted by the event partners, the objective of the exhbit was to help raise awareness of legislators and the community of the importance that toursim brings to Hawaiʻi through workforce development, support services, resort properties, activities and attractions, transportation services, non-profits and more.

Our table attracted those in industry as well as public interest while House and Senate Committees also made way through the tables for a meet-and-greet opportunity. The list of Toursim Committee Members who attended this yearʻs exhibits include:

House Committee on Tourism:

Committee Chair: Rep. Sean Quinlan

Vice Chair: Natalia Hussey-Burdick

Rep. Daniel Holt

Rep. Sam Satoru Kong

Rep. Trish La Chica

Rep. Rachele F. Lamasosao

Rep. Nadine K. Nakamura

Rep. Elijah Pierick

Senate Committe on Energy, Economic Development, and Tourism:

Committee Chair: Sen. Lynn Decoite

Vice Chair: Sen. Glenn Wakai

Sen. Carol Fukunaga

Sen. Donna Mercado Kim

Sen. Kurt Fevella

Entertainment, lei, breakfast and even protea bouquets were provided by some of the partners listed and many vendors gave out informational materials, stickers and goodies to eat. MHLA brought promotional items of computer dusters and USB computer connectors made by one of our own allied members.

For those who were unable to attend, we hope you enjoy the photos and enjoyed our brief recap!

Photo Credit: MHLA.

March 10, 2023

Tourism Day Album


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