The Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority invites the public to register for its Spring Tourism Update on Wednesday, March 6, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. The virtual event will be streamed live from the Hawaiʻi Convention Center via Zoom, providing you with the opportunity to stay informed about the latest developments shaping the future of tourism, no matter where you are. The detailed schedule will be available soon on our website.
During the update, our team will provide insights into their ongoing efforts to stimulate meaningful travel demand while emphasizing the importance for visitors to mālama our people, places, and culture. We will also discuss our continued work to advance community-desired destination management practices and improve the balance between tourism's impacts and its economic benefits.
Join us as we dive into the initiatives that are paving the way for a regenerative tourismfuture. We are committed to prioritizing the well-being of our home and ensuring that tourism enhances the lives of our residents while preserving our culture and environment.
Benefit from successful lobbying, quarterly mixers, participation in active advisory councils, oversight of state and county legislation that may affect your business, and our weekly newsletter.
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